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Personal Device Policy

Gold River Discovery Center

Personal Device Policy

Dear Guardians,

In our ongoing efforts to foster meaningful relationships among students, enhance connectedness, and maintain a strong focus on academics, we wanted to be clear about our personal device policy designed to support these goals. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in upholding this policy, as it is vital to creating a positive and productive learning environment for each of our Miners.

  • Cell phones and earbuds must remain in backpacks, not pockets for the entire school day. 

    • If cell phones and/or earbuds are out of the backpack, item(s) will be taken for guardians pickup.

      • Staff will make their best effort to notify guardian.


  • Smart watches should be silenced and used as watches.

    • If a watch is being used as a phone it will be treated as such and taken for guardian pickup.  

      • Staff will make their best effort to notify guardian.


  • Guardians needing to get their students a message should call the school office at (916)971-5349.

  • Students needing to contact their guardians can access phones in the office.  

  • GRDC is not responsible for lost or stolen devices.  

Please sign, date, and return with your student.

Thank you for your support,

Gold River Discovery Center Staff


Guardian Name: _________________________________________  Date: _______________________

Guardian Signature: ______________________________________  Date: _______________________

Student Name: __________________________________________  Date: _______________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________  Date: _______________________